lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011


What are audio visual aids?

Audiovisual aids are defined as any device used to aid in the communication of an idea. From this definition, virtually anything can be used as aid, providing it successfully communicates the idea or information for which it is designed. In this chapter, we not only use the term “audiovisual aids” but “instructional aids”. “Teaching aids, “audio aids”, and visual aids as well. An audiovisual product is any audiovisual item audiovisual such as still photography, motion picture, audio or video tape, slide or filmstrip, that is prepared singly or in combination to communicate information or to elicit a desired audience response.

Audio-visual aids can help with your presentation because they can help take the pressure off you and provide an opportunity for variety in your presentation. The use of an over head projector for example, can not only take the focus off you but can also provide memory prompts. Other audio-visual aids you should consider using include audio cassettes, video, slides, computer presentations, flip charts or materials that you can hand around.

jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011